Pabbajja ordination ceremony document

This ceremony, given to Sangharakshita by A.A.G. Bennett, is one of a number he referred to as he composed the ordination ceremony for the Western Buddhist Order.

‘Turned out light at 11.00 but could not sleep. Shortly after midnight seized by sudden inspiration for the Upasaka-ordination service. Got up and wrote the words down. Seemed to hear a voice saying “The Keynote is purity”. Slept at 1.30.’

Diary, Sunday 10 March 1968

‘Woke very early, but dozed off again, and did not rise until 9. After breakfast typed out the Upasaka ordination, giving both the Pali original and the English translation.’

Diary, Wednesday 20 March 1968

‘Finished compiling ordination service for use on Sunday…. Walked up the hill to Centre House. Spent whole evening, from 7.30 to 9.30, deciding on arrangement of room for Sunday and rehearsing ordination ceremony.’

Diary, Friday 5 April 1968

‘Spent the greater part of the day preparing for the evening and for tomorrow. Wrapped up presents for ordinees…. Gave Avalokitesvara image to Emile for polishing.’

Diary, Saturday 6 April 1968


39. Photograph


41. 1968 Diary