
Sangharakshita continued to give many well attended lectures.

‘Collected tape-recorder etc. Along to Centre House by 6.50. Spoke to various people. Meeting began at 7.35. Mike Rogers in chair. Spoke on “The Nature of Existence – Right Understanding”. Good attendance, nearly 80 people. Also friendly spirit. Answered questions, then interval for refreshments, finally puja and meditation. Did not finish until after 10.’

Diary, Friday 26 January 1968

‘Rose rather late. Made a few rough notes for Friday lecture. Terry came in towards midday. Had lunch together, after which he left at 2.00. Glad to see him, even though it hurt to see him so depressed and miserable. Typed seven pages of Fourth Talk on Zen. At 5.30 left for Sakura.’

Diary, Tuesday 30 January 1968


38. Letter from Lama Govinda


40. Pabbajja ordination ceremony