1968 Diary opened to the entry on 7 April

‘At 12.00 spoke on ‘The Idea of the Western Buddhist Order and the Upasaka Ordination’. Then, while the others were having lunch, spoke to the press. Many photos taken. Guided group discussion. Meditation. Tea. More press people and more photographs. At 5.30 spoke on “The Bodhisattva Vow”. At 7.00 conducted ordination ceremony, which lasted until 8.15. Mike Ricketts, Mike Rogers, Sarah, Emile, Terry O’Regan, Stephen, Marghareta, Geoffrey, John Hipkin, Roy Brewer, Penny and David Waddell received their ordinations. Everything went off very smoothly and successfully. All most pleased. Hurriedly dismantled shrine etc.’

Diary, Sunday 7 April 1968


40. Pabbajja ordination ceremony


42. Lecture Notes