leave a legacy
A gift as part of your will is a way of leaving a personal legacy.
By leaving a gift in your will to the Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust, you will be helping to care for a legacy that has special meaning for you.
Your gift will help to ensure that the Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust can continue its work to preserve the legacy of Urgyen Sangharakshita through Urgyen House, and is here for future generations to benefit from and enjoy.
It’s easier than you might think to leave a gift in your will.
We recommend that you visit a solicitor to help make sure your wishes for your family and any charities cannot be misunderstood later. A solicitor will also be able to advise you on the tax benefits that are available if you put a gift in your will to charity.
For those in the UK we can recommend advice from Dharmachari Satyadasa at Greengate Wills or you can visit the Remember A Charity website to find a solicitor in your local area who can advise you on leaving gifts to charities as part of your Will.
To discuss a gift in your will, please email Dharmachari Paramartha
If your mind is made up and you’re just looking for the details you’ll need, these are:
Our name: Urgyen Sangharakshita Trust
Our address: Adhisthana, Coddington , Ledbury, HR8 1JL, UK
Our charity number: 1046398