‘The Buddhist’ April 1966

‘The Buddhist’ was the journal of the Sangha Association. The April 1966 edition details Sangharakshita’s literary work and his recent lectures.

‘…my work had increased to such an extent that it was hardly possible for me to do more than I was already doing…. Besides all my regular lectures and classes at the Vihara and at the Buddhist Society, and my lectures at the College of Psychic Science and elsewhere, I had “The Buddhist” to edit and produce, the provincial groups to visit, correspondence to deal with, visitors to receive, personal interviews to give, and the everlasting telephone to answer. There was also, of course, the Vihara itself to run, with all that this entailed in the way of caring for the shrine and meeting room and making arrangements for such mundane things as shopping, cooking, and cleaning.’

Sangharakshita, Moving Against the Stream, (CW23), p.165

‘More than once I wondered if I ought not to start giving lectures and holding classes outside the orbit of the Hampstead Vihara and the Buddhist Society, though without relinquishing my existing activities and responsibilities, and even discussed the feasibility of my so doing…. There was no question of starting another Buddhist organisation. We already had two of these, the Buddhist Society and the Sangha Association, and in any case, had I not been trying, ever since my arrival in England, to bring the Society and the Association together, and did not much work still remain to be done in this connection?’

Sangharakshita, Moving Against the Stream, (CW23), p.200


12. Photograph